[Ncep.list.nems.announce] Trunk update

Tom Black tom.black at noaa.gov
Tue Jun 25 12:53:53 UTC 2013

I am ready to update the NEMS trunk regarding NEMS Trac ticket #38.

(1) The primary change is the addition of the 2-way nesting capability 
in the NMM-B.

(2) Add a new regression test and set of answers for the 2-way nesting.

(3) Add new NMM-B diagnostic routines to find max/min H-pt and V-pt 
values of an input array.

(4) Add a missing OMP directive in the microphysics driver.

M            29433   src/atmos/nmm/module_NMM_INTERNAL_STATE.F90
M            29433   src/atmos/nmm/module_NMM_GRID_COMP.F90
M            29433   src/atmos/nmm/module_NMM_INTEGRATE.F90
M            29433   src/atmos/nmm/module_DOMAIN_GRID_COMP.F90
M            29433   src/atmos/nmm/module_SOLVER_GRID_COMP.F90
M            29433   src/atmos/nmm/module_NESTING.F90
M            29433   src/atmos/nmm/module_PARENT_CHILD_CPL_COMP.F90
M            29433   src/atmos/nmm/module_DM_PARALLEL.F90
M            29433   src/atmos/nmm/module_DIAGNOSE.F90
M            29433   src/atmos/nmm/module_MICROPHYSICS.F90
M            29433   job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_fltr_conf.IN
M            29433 job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_conf.IN
M            29433 job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_conf_02.IN
M            29433 job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_conf_03.IN
M            29433 job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_conf_04.IN
D            29433 job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_conf_gens_02
D            29433 job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_conf_gens_03
D            29433 job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_conf_gens_04
A  +             - job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_conf_gens_02.IN
A  +             - job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_conf_gens_03.IN
A  +             - job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_conf_gens_04.IN
M            29433   job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_nests_conf.IN
M            29433   job/regression_tests/rt_nmm.sh
M            29433   job/regression_tests/RT.sh_IN
M            29433   src/conf/configure.nems.Wcoss.intel
M            29433   src/conf/configure.nems.Wcoss.intel_ESMF_520rp1

M            29433   job/regression_tests/Compile_zeus.log
M            29433   job/regression_tests/Compile_wcoss.log
M            29433   job/regression_tests/Compile_ccs.log

M            29433   job/regression_tests/RegressionTests_wcoss.log
M            29433   job/regression_tests/RegressionTests_zeus.log
M            29433   job/regression_tests/RegressionTests_ccs.log

The new code and the diff files, respectively, are at the following 

gyre -

zeus -

cirrus -

I will commit tomorrow if there are no issues.


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