[Ncep.list.emc.glopara-support] stopping fcst2 step

Kate Howard kate.howard at noaa.gov
Thu Nov 18 10:25:06 EST 2010


What is your value for "fseg" set to? If you only need to run the first 
forecast segment (fcst1) make sure to set fseg=1.

Do you need the 2nd segment for any cycles? Or just the first segment 
all the time? If you wanted to run the 2nd segment for any circumstances 
you can setup an if-statement in your configuration file. Reply just to 
me if you want more info on this.

Kate Howard
NCEP/EMC Global Branch

On 11/18/2010 10:18 AM, sim.aberson wrote:
> I am running the current operational system on vapor, but only need to 
> run it to 168 h.  I am cutting off successfully at 168 h, but my job 
> still submits a gfsfcst2 step that sits in the queue a long time and 
> does nothing except waste resources (as far as I can tell).  What do I 
> need to do to eliminate the gfsfcst2 step?
> Thanks,
> Sim

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