[Ncep.list.wwatch3.discussion-group] Fwd: [ww3list] New WAVEWATCH III v6.07 available on Github

Jessica Meixner - NOAA Federal jessica.meixner at noaa.gov
Thu Mar 21 13:18:26 UTC 2019

Hi Everyone -

We are excited about the public release on github.  The announcement below
was sent to the users group. Thank you so much for your efforts towards
making this release happen, it would not be possible without you.    We are
excited as we move forward towards open development on github. We know this
is a new paradigm for us all, so please do not hesitate to ask if you have
any questions or concerns.

In addition to the information that is provided on git, you all still have
access to the VLab repos.  There is the original one EMC_ww3 and the one
with large files removed EMC_ww3_github. The EMC_ww3_github will be EMC’s
secure copy of the repository moving forward.  This will simply be a mirror
of what is on github although currently it also holds the branches that
need to be moved to individual’s forks. The EMC_ww3 and EMC_ww3_github
repos should be considered read only at this point.  All development will
be via github: https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/WW3

There is a wiki page on VLab on how to transfer your branch to a fork.  You
can find this page at:
After you have moved your branch to your fork, please let us know so we can
delete these branches.

As announced before, Henrique will be taking over for Jessica as one of the
main code-managers with Ali.


NCEP/EMC WW3 Code Managers

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Henrique Alves - NOAA Affiliate <henrique.alves at noaa.gov>
Date: Thu, Mar 21, 2019 at 9:13 AM
Subject: [ww3list] New WAVEWATCH III v6.07 available on Github
To: Ncep.list.wwatch3.users at lstsrv.ncep.noaa.gov <
ncep.list.wwatch3.users at lstsrv.ncep.noaa.gov>

Hello Everyone

NOAA-EMC and the WAVEWATCH III®  Development Group are happy to let you
know that the new public release of WAVEWATCH III (v 6.07) is now available
on GitHub:


We are now moving to an open development paradigm. This means no longer
users and developers are required to submit requests for usernames and
passwords to access our software package. All you have to do is access the
WAVEWATCH III® GitHub page to clone the code repository (the GitHub tag
<https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/WW3/releases/tag/6.07> also provides a tar.gz
file for download, like in the old days).

We have created in GitHub two sets of guidelines to help you navigate our
community modeling framework, one for users and the other for developers as


   If you are a user that would like to access the code for applications
   and do not plan to engage in development work, guidelines for accessing the
   new version are provided at:


   If you are a developer and would like to add a new feature to the code,
   check this out:

This release has been made possible thanks to the dedicated efforts of
multiple researchers and programmers. The WAVEWATCH III® Development Group
is made up of 50+ scientists and programers spanning most continents, with
many more joining us with contributions for further development of the
model. Development has now fully matured as a community driven effort, with
code management led by NCEP scientists. With this new release there will be
trusted institutional forks who will be partners in code management --
details will be forthcoming on the wiki page.

We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of all the talented people that
make up the WAVEWATCH III team, and look forward to a long period of
cooperation and developments.

Let's Go Modeling!

NOAA/EMC and The WAVEWATCH III® Development Group

WAVEWATCH III® is a community wave modeling framework that includes the
latest scientific advancements in the field of wind-wave modeling and

Updates in this public release include the following features:


   An efficient parallelization algorithm for unstructured grids with an
   optional implicit solver for high-resolution nearshore applications.

   Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF) interface for coupling.

   Namelist input option for more programs.

   IC5 sea ice source term (the extended FS model) for wave-ice interaction.

   Updates on source term parameterizations such as IC2, IS2, ST4, REF1.

   Separation of Stokes drift spectrum calculation (US3D) from OUTG

   Capability to update restart file’s total energy based on independent
   significant wave height analysis.

Dr Jose-Henrique Alves
Oceanographer at SRG/EMC/NCEP/NOAA
NOAA-NCWCP, 5830 University Research Court
College Park, Maryland 20740, USA
Phone: (301) 683-3762*

Ncep.list.wwatch3.users mailing list
Ncep.list.wwatch3.users at lstsrv.ncep.noaa.gov

Jessica Meixner
NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction
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