[Ncep.list.wwatch3.discussion-group] Freezing EMC_ww3 VLab Repo - Monday, March 17th

Jessica Meixner - NOAA Federal jessica.meixner at noaa.gov
Fri Mar 15 18:49:04 UTC 2019

Hi Everyone -

I apologize for the short notice, but we will be *freezing the EMC_ww3 VLab
repo on Monday March 17th*.  This means if you have a branch, *you need to
push any local updates you have immediately* (preferably before Monday if
possible, if not please let us know ASAP!).   We will be cleaning the
history of a few large files that were accidentally carried through when we
converted from svn to git/VLab.  This will require rewriting the history
and will require you to re-clone after this process.

This is necessary as we move to github for the public release next week.
  We will be providing guidance and help for moving any development from
branches to a github fork of the repository.

*We will be having our WW3 development call:*
*Wednesday, March 20th *
*10:30am ET *
(Note: we just had daylight savings time in the US, so you might double
check the time)
877-953-0315 1262920#

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.


Jessica Meixner
NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction
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