[Ncep.list.nems.announce] NEMS/NMM-B commit

Tom Black tom.black at noaa.gov
Fri Oct 3 14:55:10 UTC 2014

I would like to commit some small changes to the NMM-B associated with 
NEMS Trac ticket #111.

(1) A fix for an operational failure in the NAM a few weeks ago. The 
problem arose with a variable in RRTM going to zero so a check is 
inserted into the RRTM code to keep that variable's magnitude greater 
than a certain limit.

(2) Moving parents need to fill in values of child-resolution topography 
on certain edge V-points of the parent domain.

(3) Modify the change Dusan just committed today to use 2 rather than 8 
tasks for the parallel compile.

Answers will change for nearly all NMM-B regression tests.  The code can 
be found at:

tide: /gpfs/td1/emc/meso/noscrub/Tom.Black/trunk_update
zeus: /scratch2/portfolios/NCEPDEV/meso/noscrub/Tom.Black/trunk_update

I will plan to commit early next week.

M            46308   tests/rt.sh
M            46308   src/atmos/phys/radsw_main_nmmb.f
M            46308   src/atmos/nmm/module_NESTING.F90


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