[Ncep.list.fv3-announce] NEMSfv3gfs and FV3 git repository updates 20180611

Jun Wang - NOAA Federal jun.wang at noaa.gov
Mon Jun 11 17:40:09 UTC 2018

Dear all,

Following changes were committed to the NEMSfv3gfs and FV3 repositories:

Task 49887: Add capability to couple with GSDCHEM

Code changes are committed to allow inline coupling with the GSDCHEM
chemistry component.

- fv3 forecast time-split run phases are added to FV3 forecast grid
- namelist variable 'cplchm' is added to GFS_control_type, when it is set
to true, coupling with chemistry is active
- Extra fields required by GSDCHEM are added to GFS_coupling_type, they are
computed in gfs physics when cplchm is true and exported from FV3 to
- Both import and export coupled field definitions are extended to include
2D,3D and 4D fields for surface fields, soil layer fields and the fv3
tracers. Local arrays are created to control the coupled fields shared
policy so that the fields can be accessed by memory reference (fv3-chem) or
by direct data transfer (other fv3 coupled system such as fv3-mom).
- A Generic API realizeConnectedCplFields() is created to realize a list of
Fields on an ESMF Grid object inside a state.
- ESMF Error handling is updated according to ESMF/NUOPC best practices

The code changes do not alter NEMSfv3gfs model results. Regression test
passed on all the platforms including wcoss phase1/2,cray, theia, jet and

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