[Ncep.list.emc.npsr] NPSR Website is Up

Andrew Ostapenko andrew.ostapenko at noaa.gov
Fri Dec 11 13:45:00 UTC 2015

The 2015 NPSR web page is up & running on the EMC public website.  You 
can find the link to NPSR on EMC's main page 
(http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/) under "Hot Topics".  The site will stay 
up until the 2016 review supersedes it.

Some of the presenters have made minor changes to the ppts they showed 
at the NPSR, so you can get the most current version of the talks at 
this site.  The movies of the presentations and audio files of the 
discussions will be added as I finish them.

I will be taking down the NPSR ftp files and google drive at COB today 
so there is no confusion about where the 'official' copies of the 
presentations can be found.  I will put a doc with the link to the 
website in both places as a reminder to everyone.

Please contact EMC's Mary Hart (mary.hart at noaa.gov) with any questions 
-- thanks!

     ML Hart

LT Andrew J. Ostapenko, NOAA
Executive Officer, Environmental Modeling Center
5830 University Research Court
College Park, MD 20740
andrew.ostapenko at noaa.gov

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