[Ncep.list.emc.glopara-support] Parallel cycle on vapor

Diane Stokes Diane.Stokes at noaa.gov
Wed Oct 20 11:09:38 EDT 2010


I believe the pmkr script is fine.  Your file:


that is getting appended to the automated list includes old entries. 
Note the lines including and after:

# rlist for /nfsuser/g01/mgd0sa/para/prx.config created by 
/nfsuser/g01/mgd0sa/para/pmkr on 2005-07-15 22:22:03 UTC

(that's all one line).

You should only include ARCA, ARCO, ARCR entries in the appended list.


On 10/20/2010 10:58 AM, Diane Stokes wrote:
> Sim,
> Specfically, comment out this line in your rlist:
> */gdas/anal/ROTO = satang.$CDUMP.$CDATE
> That should get you going again. Your analysis job worked, so you can
> submit the next job in the sequence:
> 2010082906 gdas angu
> In the meantime, we'll sort out why your rlist was not generated
> correctly. (This did come up before and I thought the issue had been
> resolved).
> Diane
> On 10/20/2010 10:35 AM, Daryl Kleist wrote:
>> Su just recently ran into a similar problem with a run on cirrus/stratus.
>> Without looking, I suspect the issue is actually a conflict between the
>> rlist being used (if it was generated automatically using the defaults)
>> and the new scripts that have broken up the angle update and GSI parts
>> of the analysis script (putting the angle update into its own scripts).
>> The rlist probably still has "satang.$dump.$adate" as an expected output
>> from the analysis script, where it is actually now output from the
>> "angu" job. This is a pretty easy fix (a few lines need to be modified
>> in the rlist).
>> Also, this is a good chance to point out that the default rlist that is
>> generated (if the one assumed isn't found) should be modified to be
>> consistent with the new scripting.
>> Daryl
>> sim.aberson wrote:
>>> I am continuing to run a parallel cycle on vapor and have encountered
>>> another problem that is past my knowledge. My 2010082906 gdas anal
>>> step is bombing. Output is in
>>> /ptmp/mgd0sa/rotdatprx/nodrop2010082906gdasanal.dayfile. It looks like
>>> the global_gsi is running fine (exit value is 0, exited: rc=0 for all
>>> tasks, and ERR=0). After that, it gets murky. All I can find in that
>>> dayfile is that some files it is trying to copy to get ready for the
>>> fcst step aren't there:
>>> + /u/wx20mi/bin/ncpx -p
>>> /stmp/mgd0sa/para/nodrop2010082906gdasanal/satcnt.gdas.2
>>> 010082906 /ptmp/mgd0sa/rotdatprx
>>> cp -p
>>> /stmp/mgd0sa/para/nodrop2010082906gdasanal/satcnt.gdas.2010082906
>>> /ptmp/mg
>>> d0sa/rotdatprx
>>> cp: /stmp/mgd0sa/para/nodrop2010082906gdasanal/satcnt.gdas.2010082906:
>>> A file or
>>> directory in the path name does not exist.
>>> + [[ 1 = 0 ]]
>>> + echo pcop: satcnt.gdas.2010082906 not found in
>>> /stmp/mgd0sa/para/nodrop2010082
>>> 906gdasanal
>>> + 1>& 2
>>> pcop: satcnt.gdas.2010082906 not found in
>>> /stmp/mgd0sa/para/nodrop2010082906gdas
>>> anal
>>> + (( rc+=ra ))
>>> + exit 12
>>> + exit 12
>>> + [[ 1 -ne 0 ]]
>>> + /mtb/save/wx23sm/para_scripts/cver_1.1/bin/perr
>>> + GROUP=mtb
>>> + NCP=/u/wx20mi/bin/ncpx
>>> + SUB=/u/wx23sm/bin/sub_vapor
>>> + PLOG=/mtb/save/wx23sm/para_scripts/cver_1.1/bin/plog
>>> + PSUB=/mtb/save/wx23sm/para_scripts/cver_1.1/bin/psub_angu
>>> + [[ -n ]]
>>> + export COMDAY=/ptmp/mgd0sa/rotdatprx
>>> + export RESUBMIT=YES
>>> + jn=nodrop2010082906gdasanal
>>> + grep nodrop2010082906gdasanal failed
>>> /mtb/save/mgd0sa/para/prnodrop.runlog
>>> + /mtb/save/wx23sm/para_scripts/cver_1.1/bin/plog
>>> /mtb/save/mgd0sa/para/prnodrop
>>> .runlog ERROR nodrop2010082906gdasanal failed
>>> Something else may be going on, but I have spent quite a bit of time
>>> looking. Any ideas on how to fix this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sim
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