[WAM-IPE] WAM-IPE r93160: Commit the WAM restart files in the gsm quasitrunk

Samuel.Trahan at noaa.gov Samuel.Trahan at noaa.gov
Tue May 23 20:58:11 UTC 2017

Friendly WAM-IPE developers,

This is an automated email about a WAM-IPE commit.

Project: WAM-IPE
URL: https://svnemc.ncep.noaa.gov/projects/gsm/branches/WAM-IPE/quasitrunk
Revision: 93160
Author:   weiyu.yang at noaa.gov
Date:     2017-05-23T20:44:47.070007Z
Commit the WAM restart files in the gsm quasitrunk

See attached file for full differences.

First 4000 bytes of differences:
Index: checkout/phys/fix_fields_idea_rst.f
--- checkout/phys/fix_fields_idea_rst.f	(nonexistent)
+++ checkout/phys/fix_fields_idea_rst.f	(revision 93160)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+      SUBROUTINE fix_fields_idea_rst(
+     &                  LONSPERLAR,GLOBAL_LATS_R,XLON,XLAT,sfc_fld,
+     &                  nst_fld,HPRIME,JINDX1,JINDX2,DDY,OZPLIN,CREAD,
+     &                  cread_grd,cread_nst,nblck,phy_f3d,phy_f2d)
+!! Code Revision
+!! jan 26 2010 Jun Wang, added phy_f3d,phy_f2d read in from restart file
+!! Nov    2010 S. Moorthi - nst model related changes
+!! Mar    2013 Jun Wang  restart for idea
+!! Aug    2015 Xu Li     change nst_fcst and nst_spinup to be nstf_name
+!!                       introduce the depth mean SST, 
+!!                       remove nst_reset_nonwater
+!!                       add nemsio for nst file
+      use machine , only : kind_rad, kind_phys
+      use funcphys                         
+      use module_progtm             
+      use resol_def
+      use namelist_physics_def
+      use layout1
+      use gg_def
+      use ozne_def
+      use module_nst_water_prop, only: get_dtzm_2d
+      use gfs_physics_sfc_flx_mod
+      use gfs_physics_nst_var_mod
+      use idea_composition,             only: pr_idea,gg,amgms,prsilvl
+      TYPE(Sfc_Var_Data)  :: sfc_fld
+      TYPE(Nst_Var_Data)  :: nst_fld
+      CHARACTER (len=*)   :: CREAD
+      CHARACTER (len=*)   :: CREAD_grd
+      CHARACTER (len=*)   :: cread_nst
+      REAL (kind=kind_rad) OZPLIN(LATSOZP,LEVOZP,pl_coeff,timeoz)
+     &,                    XLON(LONR,LATS_NODE_R)
+     &,                    XLAT(LONR,LATS_NODE_R)
+     &,                    dtzm(lonr,lats_node_r)
+      integer, dimension(latr) :: global_lats_r, lonsperlar
+      integer              nblck
+      real (kind=kind_rad) phy_f3d(NGPTC,LEVS,ntot3d,NBLCK,LATS_NODE_R)
+     &,                    phy_f2d(lonr,lats_node_r,ntot2d)
+      REAL (KIND=KIND_RAD) plyr(levs)
+      real (kind=kind_phys) gaul(lats_node_r), pi
+      real (kind=kind_phys) :: zsea1,zsea2
+      real, PARAMETER:: RLAPSE=0.65E-2
+      real dt_warm
+      integer needoro, i, j, lat, k
+      call gfuncphys
+      if (lsm == 0) then ! For OSU LSM
+         CALL GRDDF
+         CALL GRDKT
+      endif
+      IOZONDP = 0
+      if (ntoz > 0) IOZONDP = 1
+      NREAD   = 14
+!     CREAD   = 'fort.14'
+      sfc_fld%ORO = 0.
+      NEEDORO     = 0
+      if(.not.allocated(pr_idea)) then
+        allocate(pr_idea(levs))
+        allocate(gg(levs))
+        allocate(prsilvl(levs+1))
+      endif
+      if (me .eq. 0) print *,' call read_sfc_r CREAD=',cread
+      CALL read_sfc_r(cread,sfc_fld,phy_f2d,phy_f3d,
+     &                NEEDORO,lsidea,pr_idea,gg,prsilvl,amgms)
+      if ( nstf_name(1) > 0 ) then
+        nst_fld%slmsk = sfc_fld%slmsk
+        NREAD_NST   = 15
+        if (me == 0) print *,' call read_nst_r CREAD=',cread_nst
+        CALL read_nst_r(nst_fld,NREAD_NST,CREAD_NST,
+     &                    GLOBAL_LATS_R,LONSPERLAR)
+      endif
+      NEEDORO=1
+      CALL read_mtn_hprim_oz(sfc_fld%SLMSK,HPRIME,NEEDORO,sfc_fld%ORO,
+     &                       sfc_fld%oro_uf,IOZONDP,OZPLIN,
+     &                       GLOBAL_LATS_R,LONSPERLAR)
+!   Set up some interpolation coefficients for ozone forcing
+      if (ntoz > 0) then
+        pi = acos(-1.0)
+        do j=1, lats_node_r
+          lat = global_lats_r(ipt_lats_node_r-1+J)
+          if (lat <= latr2) then
+            gaul(j) = 90.0 - colrad_r(lat)*180.0/PI
+          else
+            gaul(j) = 

... see attachment for the rest ...
-------------- next part --------------
Index: checkout/phys/fix_fields_idea_rst.f
--- checkout/phys/fix_fields_idea_rst.f	(nonexistent)
+++ checkout/phys/fix_fields_idea_rst.f	(revision 93160)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+      SUBROUTINE fix_fields_idea_rst(
+     &                  LONSPERLAR,GLOBAL_LATS_R,XLON,XLAT,sfc_fld,
+     &                  nst_fld,HPRIME,JINDX1,JINDX2,DDY,OZPLIN,CREAD,
+     &                  cread_grd,cread_nst,nblck,phy_f3d,phy_f2d)
+!! Code Revision
+!! jan 26 2010 Jun Wang, added phy_f3d,phy_f2d read in from restart file
+!! Nov    2010 S. Moorthi - nst model related changes
+!! Mar    2013 Jun Wang  restart for idea
+!! Aug    2015 Xu Li     change nst_fcst and nst_spinup to be nstf_name
+!!                       introduce the depth mean SST, 
+!!                       remove nst_reset_nonwater
+!!                       add nemsio for nst file
+      use machine , only : kind_rad, kind_phys
+      use funcphys                         
+      use module_progtm             
+      use resol_def
+      use namelist_physics_def
+      use layout1
+      use gg_def
+      use ozne_def
+      use module_nst_water_prop, only: get_dtzm_2d
+      use gfs_physics_sfc_flx_mod
+      use gfs_physics_nst_var_mod
+      use idea_composition,             only: pr_idea,gg,amgms,prsilvl
+      TYPE(Sfc_Var_Data)  :: sfc_fld
+      TYPE(Nst_Var_Data)  :: nst_fld
+      CHARACTER (len=*)   :: CREAD
+      CHARACTER (len=*)   :: CREAD_grd
+      CHARACTER (len=*)   :: cread_nst
+      REAL (kind=kind_rad) OZPLIN(LATSOZP,LEVOZP,pl_coeff,timeoz)
+     &,                    XLON(LONR,LATS_NODE_R)
+     &,                    XLAT(LONR,LATS_NODE_R)
+     &,                    dtzm(lonr,lats_node_r)
+      integer, dimension(latr) :: global_lats_r, lonsperlar
+      integer              nblck
+      real (kind=kind_rad) phy_f3d(NGPTC,LEVS,ntot3d,NBLCK,LATS_NODE_R)
+     &,                    phy_f2d(lonr,lats_node_r,ntot2d)
+      REAL (KIND=KIND_RAD) plyr(levs)
+      real (kind=kind_phys) gaul(lats_node_r), pi
+      real (kind=kind_phys) :: zsea1,zsea2
+      real, PARAMETER:: RLAPSE=0.65E-2
+      real dt_warm
+      integer needoro, i, j, lat, k
+      call gfuncphys
+      if (lsm == 0) then ! For OSU LSM
+         CALL GRDDF
+         CALL GRDKT
+      endif
+      IOZONDP = 0
+      if (ntoz > 0) IOZONDP = 1
+      NREAD   = 14
+!     CREAD   = 'fort.14'
+      sfc_fld%ORO = 0.
+      NEEDORO     = 0
+      if(.not.allocated(pr_idea)) then
+        allocate(pr_idea(levs))
+        allocate(gg(levs))
+        allocate(prsilvl(levs+1))
+      endif
+      if (me .eq. 0) print *,' call read_sfc_r CREAD=',cread
+      CALL read_sfc_r(cread,sfc_fld,phy_f2d,phy_f3d,
+     &                NEEDORO,lsidea,pr_idea,gg,prsilvl,amgms)
+      if ( nstf_name(1) > 0 ) then
+        nst_fld%slmsk = sfc_fld%slmsk
+        NREAD_NST   = 15
+        if (me == 0) print *,' call read_nst_r CREAD=',cread_nst
+        CALL read_nst_r(nst_fld,NREAD_NST,CREAD_NST,
+     &                    GLOBAL_LATS_R,LONSPERLAR)
+      endif
+      NEEDORO=1
+      CALL read_mtn_hprim_oz(sfc_fld%SLMSK,HPRIME,NEEDORO,sfc_fld%ORO,
+     &                       sfc_fld%oro_uf,IOZONDP,OZPLIN,
+     &                       GLOBAL_LATS_R,LONSPERLAR)
+!   Set up some interpolation coefficients for ozone forcing
+      if (ntoz > 0) then
+        pi = acos(-1.0)
+        do j=1, lats_node_r
+          lat = global_lats_r(ipt_lats_node_r-1+J)
+          if (lat <= latr2) then
+            gaul(j) = 90.0 - colrad_r(lat)*180.0/PI
+          else
+            gaul(j) = -(90.0 - colrad_r(lat)*180.0/PI)
+          endif
+!cselaif(me.eq.0) print*,'gau(j,1) gau(j,2)',gaul(j,1),gaul(j,2)
+        enddo
+     &                 JINDX1,JINDX2,DDY)
+      endif
+      RETURN
+      END
Index: checkout/phys/makefile
--- checkout/phys/makefile	(revision 90320)
+++ checkout/phys/makefile	(revision 93160)
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@
 	  gbphys_adv_hyb_gc.o           \
 	  gbphys_adv_hyb_gc_h.o         \
 	  fix_fields.o                  \
+	  fix_fields_idea_rst.o         \
 	  read_fix.o                    \
 	  GFS_simple_scatter.o          \
 	  wrtout_physics.o              \
Index: checkout/phys/gfs_physics_initialize_mod.f
--- checkout/phys/gfs_physics_initialize_mod.f	(revision 90320)
+++ checkout/phys/gfs_physics_initialize_mod.f	(revision 93160)
@@ -733,15 +733,25 @@
 !       write(0,*)' gis_phy%lonsperlar2b=',gis_phy%lonsperlar
 !       write(0,*)' before fix_fields'
-      call fix_fields(gis_phy%LONSPERLAR, gis_phy%GLOBAL_LATS_R,             &
-                      gis_phy%XLON,       gis_phy%XLAT,   gis_phy%sfc_fld,   &
-                      gis_phy%nst_fld,    gis_phy%HPRIME, gis_phy%JINDX1,    &
-                      gis_phy%JINDX2,     gis_phy%DDY,    gis_phy%OZPLIN,    &
-                      gis_phy%nam_gfs_phy%sfc_ini,                           &
-                      gis_phy%nam_gfs_phy%grd_ini,                           &
-                      gis_phy%nam_gfs_phy%nst_ini,                           &
-                      nblck, gis_phy%phy_f3d, gis_phy%phy_f2d )
+      IF(lsidea .AND. gis_phy%restart_run) THEN
+        call fix_fields_idea_rst(gis_phy%LONSPERLAR, gis_phy%GLOBAL_LATS_R,    &
+                        gis_phy%XLON,       gis_phy%XLAT,   gis_phy%sfc_fld,   &
+                        gis_phy%nst_fld,    gis_phy%HPRIME, gis_phy%JINDX1,    &
+                        gis_phy%JINDX2,     gis_phy%DDY,    gis_phy%OZPLIN,    &
+                        gis_phy%nam_gfs_phy%sfc_ini,                           &
+                        gis_phy%nam_gfs_phy%grd_ini,                           &
+                        gis_phy%nam_gfs_phy%nst_ini,                           &
+                        nblck, gis_phy%phy_f3d, gis_phy%phy_f2d )
+      ELSE
+        call fix_fields(gis_phy%LONSPERLAR, gis_phy%GLOBAL_LATS_R,             &
+                        gis_phy%XLON,       gis_phy%XLAT,   gis_phy%sfc_fld,   &
+                        gis_phy%nst_fld,    gis_phy%HPRIME, gis_phy%JINDX1,    &
+                        gis_phy%JINDX2,     gis_phy%DDY,    gis_phy%OZPLIN,    &
+                        gis_phy%nam_gfs_phy%sfc_ini,                           &
+                        gis_phy%nam_gfs_phy%grd_ini,                           &
+                        gis_phy%nam_gfs_phy%nst_ini,                           &
+                        nblck, gis_phy%phy_f3d, gis_phy%phy_f2d )
+      END IF
 !      print *,' GISXLAT=',gis_phy%XLAT(1,:)
 !       write(0,*)' after fix_fields'
Index: checkout/phys/gfs_physics_run_mod.f
--- checkout/phys/gfs_physics_run_mod.f	(revision 90320)
+++ checkout/phys/gfs_physics_run_mod.f	(revision 93160)
@@ -116,24 +116,6 @@
            (kdt_dif <= ndfi/2 .or. kdt_dif > ndfi) .or. gis_phy%kdt == 1
-!     if (me == 0)                                                 &
-!     write(0,*)' in phy nsout_hf=',nsout_hf,' fhmax_hf=',fhmax_hf
-!     write(0,*)' in phy ' ,&
-!     'gis_phy%lsout=',gis_phy%lsout,' kdt=',gis_phy%kdt
-!       print *,' end of common_to_physics_vars,kdt=',gis_phy%kdt,        &
-!         'nsout=',nsout,'lsout=',gis_phy%LSOUT,'zhour=',gis_phy%ZHOUR,   &
-!         'ldfi=',ldfi,'ndfi=',ndfi,gis_phy%kdt<=ndfi/2,gis_phy%kdt>ndfi, &
-!             gis_phy%kdt<=ndfi/2.or.gis_phy%kdt>ndfi
-!       if(gis_phy%kdt==12.and.gis_phy%kdt<=13.or.gis_phy%kdt>=24.and.gis_phy%kdt<=25) then
-!       print *,'be phys one,kdt=',gis_phy%kdt,'ps=',maxval(gis_phy%grid_fld%ps), &
-!        minval(gis_phy%grid_fld%ps),'t=',maxval(gis_phy%grid_fld%t), &
-!        minval(gis_phy%grid_fld%t),'spfh=',maxval(gis_phy%grid_fld%tracers(1)%flds),  &
-!        minval(gis_phy%grid_fld%tracers(1)%flds),'tsea=',maxval(gis_phy%sfc_fld%tsea),&
-!        minval(gis_phy%sfc_fld%tsea),maxloc(gis_phy%sfc_fld%tsea),maxloc(gis_phy%grid_fld%ps)
-!       print *,'      ps1lp(',gis_phy%kdt,')=  ',gis_phy%grid_fld%ps(154,58)
-!       endif
        if( ndfi > 0 .and. kdt_dif == ndfi/2+1 .and. .not. ldfi )  then
          call dfi_fixwr(2, gis_phy%sfc_fld,  gis_phy%nst_fld)
Index: checkout/phys/read_fix.f
--- checkout/phys/read_fix.f	(revision 90320)
+++ checkout/phys/read_fix.f	(revision 93160)
@@ -594,10 +594,10 @@
  99     FORMAT(1H ,'in read_sfc_nemsio, nread=',i3,2x,'HOUR=',f8.2,3x,
      &   'IDATE=',4(1X,I4),4x,'lonsfc,latsfc,lsoil,ivssfc,iret=',5i8)
-        if(iret.ne.0) goto 5000
-        if(lonb4.ne.lonr) goto 5000
-        if(latb4.ne.latr) goto 5000
-        if(nsoil4.ne.lsoil) goto 5000
+        if(iret.ne.0) goto 6000
+!        if(lonb4.ne.lonr) goto 6000
+!        if(latb4.ne.latr) goto 6000
+        if(nsoil4.ne.lsoil) goto 6000
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
       call nemsio_finalize()
- 5000 PRINT *, ' error in input in routine read_sfc'
+ 6000 PRINT *, ' error in input in routine read_sfc_nemsio'
@@ -1149,10 +1149,10 @@
 99      FORMAT(1H ,'in read_nst_nemsio, nread=',i3,2x,'HOUR=',f8.2,3x,
      &   'IDATE=',4(1X,I4),4x,'lonsfc,latsfc,lsea,ivsnst,iret=',5i8)
-        if(iret.ne.0) goto 5000
-        if(lonb4.ne.lonr) goto 5000
-        if(latb4.ne.latr) goto 5000
-        if(nsea4.ne.lsea) goto 5000
+        if(iret.ne.0) goto 7000
+        if(lonb4.ne.lonr) goto 7000
+        if(latb4.ne.latr) goto 7000
+        if(nsea4.ne.lsea) goto 7000
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@
       call nemsio_finalize()
- 5000 PRINT *, ' error in input in routine read_nst_nemsio'
+ 7000 PRINT *, ' error in input in routine read_nst_nemsio'
       END           ! read_nst_nemsio
       SUBROUTINE set_nst(tsea, nst_fld)
Index: checkout/dyn/input_fields_rst.f
--- checkout/dyn/input_fields_rst.f	(revision 90320)
+++ checkout/dyn/input_fields_rst.f	(revision 93160)
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 !                        pwat nad ptot
 !  20100908  J. WANG     remove gfsio module
 !  20110220  H. Juang    remove some un-necessary name in treads_nemsio
+!  20170510  W. YANG     modified for the WAM restart.
       use gfs_dyn_resol_def
       use gfs_dyn_layout1
@@ -63,6 +64,9 @@
       integer		lan, lat, lons_lat, jlonf,nnl,nn,kk,lon
       integer          indev1,indev2,indev,indod1,indod2,indod
       REAL(KIND=KIND_EVOD)  ga2
+      real(kind=kind_mpi_r),allocatable :: trieo_ls_nodes(:,:,:,:)
+      real(kind=kind_mpi_r),allocatable :: trieo_ls_node(:,:,:)
+      integer ioproc,lenrec,ii
       include 'function2'
@@ -176,31 +180,6 @@
-! fill up n+1 grid_gr in case of internal2export used.
-        trie_ls(:,:,p_zq)=trie_ls(:,:,p_q )
-        trie_ls(:,:,p_y :p_y +levs-1)=trie_ls(:,:,p_te:p_te+levs-1)
-        trie_ls(:,:,p_x :p_x +levs-1)=trie_ls(:,:,p_di:p_di+levs-1)
-        trie_ls(:,:,p_w :p_w +levs-1)=trie_ls(:,:,p_ze:p_ze+levs-1)
-        trio_ls(:,:,p_zq)=trio_ls(:,:,p_q )
-        trio_ls(:,:,p_y :p_y +levs-1)=trio_ls(:,:,p_te:p_te+levs-1)
-        trio_ls(:,:,p_x :p_x +levs-1)=trio_ls(:,:,p_di:p_di+levs-1)
-        trio_ls(:,:,p_w :p_w +levs-1)=trio_ls(:,:,p_ze:p_ze+levs-1)
-        if ( .not. ndslfv ) then
-          trie_ls(:,:,p_rt :p_rt +levh-1)=trie_ls(:,:,p_rq:p_rq+levh-1)
-          trio_ls(:,:,p_rt :p_rt +levh-1)=trio_ls(:,:,p_rq:p_rq+levh-1)
-        endif
-! fill up n+1 grid_gr in case of internal2export used.
-        grid_gr(:,:,g_zq)=grid_gr(:,:,g_q )
-        grid_gr(:,:,g_t :g_t +levs-1)=grid_gr(:,:,g_tt:g_tt+levs-1)
-        grid_gr(:,:,g_u :g_u +levs-1)=grid_gr(:,:,g_uu:g_uu+levs-1)
-        grid_gr(:,:,g_v :g_v +levs-1)=grid_gr(:,:,g_vv:g_vv+levs-1)
-        grid_gr(:,:,g_rt:g_rt+levh-1)=grid_gr(:,:,g_rq:g_rq+levh-1)
 ! laplacian terrain for divergence
@@ -236,6 +215,73 @@
      X        trio_ls(indod,2,p_gz)*snnp1od(indod)*ga2
            end do
         end do
+      ioproc=0
+      trie_ls=0.0
+      trio_ls=0.0
+         allocate ( trieo_ls_node  ( len_trie_ls_max+len_trio_ls_max,
+     &                               2, lotls ),
+     &              stat=ierr )
+         trieo_ls_node = 0.0
+      if ( me .eq. ioproc ) then
+         allocate ( trieo_ls_nodes ( len_trie_ls_max+len_trio_ls_max,
+     &                               2, lotls, nodes ),
+     &              stat=ierr )
+         trieo_ls_nodes = 0.0
+         READ(1051) trieo_ls_nodes
+       else
+         allocate (trieo_ls_nodes(1, 1, 1, 1), stat = ierr)
+      endif
+      lenrec = (len_trie_ls_max+len_trio_ls_max) * 2 * lotls
+      call mpi_scatter(trieo_ls_nodes, lenrec, MPI_R_MPI_R,
+     &          trieo_ls_node, lenrec, MPI_R_MPI_R,
+     &          ioproc, MPI_COMM_ALL, ierr)
+      DO k = 1, lotls
+        DO j = 1, 2
+          DO i = 1, len_trie_ls
+            trie_ls(i, j, k) = trieo_ls_node(i, j, k)
+          END DO
+          DO i = 1, len_trio_ls
+            ii = i + len_trie_ls_max
+            trio_ls(i, j, k) = trieo_ls_node(ii, j, k)
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_ALL,ierr)
+      DEALLOCATE(trieo_ls_nodes)
+      DEALLOCATE(trieo_ls_node)
+! fill up n+1 grid_gr in case of internal2export used.
+        trie_ls(:,:,p_zq)=trie_ls(:,:,p_q )
+        trie_ls(:,:,p_y :p_y +levs-1)=trie_ls(:,:,p_te:p_te+levs-1)
+        trie_ls(:,:,p_x :p_x +levs-1)=trie_ls(:,:,p_di:p_di+levs-1)
+        trie_ls(:,:,p_w :p_w +levs-1)=trie_ls(:,:,p_ze:p_ze+levs-1)
+        trio_ls(:,:,p_zq)=trio_ls(:,:,p_q )
+        trio_ls(:,:,p_y :p_y +levs-1)=trio_ls(:,:,p_te:p_te+levs-1)
+        trio_ls(:,:,p_x :p_x +levs-1)=trio_ls(:,:,p_di:p_di+levs-1)
+        trio_ls(:,:,p_w :p_w +levs-1)=trio_ls(:,:,p_ze:p_ze+levs-1)
+        if ( .not. ndslfv ) then
+          trie_ls(:,:,p_rt :p_rt +levh-1)=trie_ls(:,:,p_rq:p_rq+levh-1)
+          trio_ls(:,:,p_rt :p_rt +levh-1)=trio_ls(:,:,p_rq:p_rq+levh-1)
+        endif
+! fill up n+1 grid_gr in case of internal2export used.
+        grid_gr(:,:,g_zq)=grid_gr(:,:,g_q )
+        grid_gr(:,:,g_t :g_t +levs-1)=grid_gr(:,:,g_tt:g_tt+levs-1)
+        grid_gr(:,:,g_u :g_u +levs-1)=grid_gr(:,:,g_uu:g_uu+levs-1)
+        grid_gr(:,:,g_v :g_v +levs-1)=grid_gr(:,:,g_vv:g_vv+levs-1)
+        grid_gr(:,:,g_rt:g_rt+levh-1)=grid_gr(:,:,g_rq:g_rq+levh-1)
Index: checkout/dyn/wrtout_dynamics.f
--- checkout/dyn/wrtout_dynamics.f	(revision 90320)
+++ checkout/dyn/wrtout_dynamics.f	(revision 93160)
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 ! Oct 2012 Jun Wang, add sigio output option
 ! Aug 2013 Henry Juang, add sigio output with ndsl
 ! Sep 2014 S Moorthi - some cleanup and optimization
+! May 2017 Weiyu Yang - Modified for the WAM restart.
       use gfs_dyn_machine
       use gfs_dyn_resol_def
@@ -470,7 +471,7 @@
       use gfs_dyn_resol_def
       use gfs_dyn_layout1
       use gfs_dyn_mpi_def
-      use namelist_dynamics_def, only : ndslfv
+      use namelist_dynamics_def, only : ndslfv, lsidea
       use do_dynamics_mod
       implicit none
@@ -495,6 +496,7 @@
       real(kind=kind_evod)  epso  (len_trio_ls)
       real(kind=kind_evod)   plnew_a(len_trie_ls,latg2)
       real(kind=kind_evod)   plnow_a(len_trio_ls,latg2)
 ! for ndsl
       real(kind=kind_evod),allocatable:: trie_ls_rqt(:,:,:)
      &,                                  trio_ls_rqt(:,:,:)
@@ -527,64 +529,69 @@
       if (me == ioproc) print *,'in restart,lonsperlat=',lonsperlat
 ! n-1 time step spectral file
-      step = -1
-      filename = 'SIGR1'
+        step = -1
+        filename = 'SIGR1'
-      if( .not. ndslfv ) then
-          CALL TWRITES_rst(filename,ioproc,FHOUR,idate,
-     &                SI,LS_NODES,MAX_LS_NODES,step,
-     &                trie_ls,trio_ls,trie_ls,trio_ls)
+        if( .not. ndslfv ) then
+            CALL TWRITES_rst(filename,ioproc,FHOUR,idate,
+     &                  SI,LS_NODES,MAX_LS_NODES,step,
+     &                  trie_ls,trio_ls,trie_ls,trio_ls)
-      else
+        else
-          call do_dynamics_gridm2rqt(grid_gr,rqt_gr_a_2,
-     &                               global_lats_a,lonsperlat)
-          call grid_to_spect_rqt(rqt_gr_a_1,rqt_gr_a_2,
-     &                         trie_ls_rqt,trio_ls_rqt,levh,
-     &                         ls_node,ls_nodes,max_ls_nodes,
-     &                 lats_nodes_a,global_lats_a,lonsperlat,
-     &                   epse,epso,plnew_a,plnow_a)
-          CALL TWRITES_rst(filename,ioproc,FHOUR,idate,
-     &                SI,LS_NODES,MAX_LS_NODES,step,
-     &                trie_ls,trio_ls,trie_ls_rqt,trio_ls_rqt)
+            call do_dynamics_gridm2rqt(grid_gr,rqt_gr_a_2,
+     &                                 global_lats_a,lonsperlat)
+            call grid_to_spect_rqt(rqt_gr_a_1,rqt_gr_a_2,
+     &                           trie_ls_rqt,trio_ls_rqt,levh,
+     &                           ls_node,ls_nodes,max_ls_nodes,
+     &                   lats_nodes_a,global_lats_a,lonsperlat,
+     &                     epse,epso,plnew_a,plnow_a)
+            CALL TWRITES_rst(filename,ioproc,FHOUR,idate,
+     &                  SI,LS_NODES,MAX_LS_NODES,step,
+     &                  trie_ls,trio_ls,trie_ls_rqt,trio_ls_rqt)
-      endif
+        endif
-      if (me == ioproc) print *,'1 end of twritero_rst,',
-     &                           trim(filename)
+        if (me == ioproc) print *,'1 end of twritero_rst,',
+     &                             trim(filename)
 ! n time step spectral file
-      step = 0
-      filename = 'SIGR2'
+        step = 0
+        filename = 'SIGR2'
-      if( .not. ndslfv ) then
+        if( .not. ndslfv ) then
+            CALL TWRITES_rst(filename,ioproc,FHOUR,idate,
+     &                  SI,LS_NODES,MAX_LS_NODES,step,
+     &                  trie_ls,trio_ls,trie_ls,trio_ls)
-          CALL TWRITES_rst(filename,ioproc,FHOUR,idate,
-     &                SI,LS_NODES,MAX_LS_NODES,step,
-     &                trie_ls,trio_ls,trie_ls,trio_ls)
+        else
-      else
+            call do_dynamics_gridc2rqt(grid_gr,rqt_gr_a_2,
+     &                                 global_lats_a,lonsperlat)
+            call grid_to_spect_rqt(rqt_gr_a_1,rqt_gr_a_2,
+     &                           trie_ls_rqt,trio_ls_rqt,levh,
+     &                           ls_node,ls_nodes,max_ls_nodes,
+     &                   lats_nodes_a,global_lats_a,lonsperlat,
+     &                     epse,epso,plnew_a,plnow_a)
+            CALL TWRITES_rst(filename,ioproc,FHOUR,idate,
+     &                  SI,LS_NODES,MAX_LS_NODES,step,
+     &                  trie_ls,trio_ls,trie_ls_rqt,trio_ls_rqt)
-          call do_dynamics_gridc2rqt(grid_gr,rqt_gr_a_2,
-     &                               global_lats_a,lonsperlat)
-          call grid_to_spect_rqt(rqt_gr_a_1,rqt_gr_a_2,
-     &                         trie_ls_rqt,trio_ls_rqt,levh,
-     &                         ls_node,ls_nodes,max_ls_nodes,
-     &                 lats_nodes_a,global_lats_a,lonsperlat,
-     &                   epse,epso,plnew_a,plnow_a)
-          CALL TWRITES_rst(filename,ioproc,FHOUR,idate,
-     &                SI,LS_NODES,MAX_LS_NODES,step,
-     &                trie_ls,trio_ls,trie_ls_rqt,trio_ls_rqt)
+        endif
-      endif
+        if (me == ioproc) print *,'2 end of twritero_rst for ',
+     &                             trim(filename)
+      IF(lsidea) THEN
-      if (me == ioproc) print *,'2 end of twritero_rst for ',
-     &                           trim(filename)
+        CALL TWRITES_rst_idea('fort.1051',ioproc,FHOUR,idate,
+     &              SI,LS_NODES,MAX_LS_NODES,trie_ls,trio_ls)
+      END IF
 ! n-1 time step grid file
        filename = 'GRDR1'
        CALL TWRITEG_rst(filename,ioproc,FHOUR,idate,
      X                SI,pdryini,global_lats_a,lonsperlat,lats_nodes_a,
      &                grid_gr(1,1,g_qm),
@@ -596,6 +603,7 @@
 ! n time step grid file
       filename = 'GRDR2'
       CALL TWRITEG_rst(filename,ioproc,FHOUR,idate,
      X                SI,pdryini,global_lats_a,lonsperlat,lats_nodes_a,
@@ -607,7 +615,6 @@
       if (me == ioproc) print *,'2 end twriteg_rst,',trim(filename)
       call mpi_barrier(mpi_comm_all,iret)
@@ -748,7 +755,3 @@
Index: checkout/dyn/get_w_z.f
--- checkout/dyn/get_w_z.f	(revision 90320)
+++ checkout/dyn/get_w_z.f	(revision 93160)
@@ -458,7 +458,13 @@
 ! For 3 minutes time step, output field every 240 hours.
 !      IF(MOD(kdt, 4800) == 0)  CALL grid_collect_ipe(wwg,zzg,uug,vvg,
-!     &                        ttg,rqg,n2g,global_lats_a,lonsperlat,
-!     &                        lats_nodes_a, kdt)
+! For 3 minutes time step, output field every 120 hours.
+      IF(MOD(kdt, 2400) == 0) THEN
+        PRINT*,'Output the WAM-IPE coupling fields at kdt=', kdt
+        CALL grid_collect_ipe(wwg,zzg,uug,vvg,
+     &                        ttg,rqg,n2g,global_lats_a,lonsperlat,
+     &                        lats_nodes_a, kdt)
+      END IF
       END subroutine get_w_z
Index: checkout/dyn/twrites_rst_idea.f
--- checkout/dyn/twrites_rst_idea.f	(nonexistent)
+++ checkout/dyn/twrites_rst_idea.f	(revision 93160)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+      subroutine twrites_rst_idea(fname,IOPROC,fhour,idate,
+     &           si,ls_nodes,max_ls_nodes,trie_ls,trio_ls) 
+!*** program log
+!*** Dec, 2009 Jun Wang:  write spectral variables for restart
+!*** Dec, 2010 Jun Wang:  change to nemsio library
+!*** Feb, 2011 Henry Juang: use generic argument for spectral fit to mass_dp and ndsl
+!    Jun 26 2014 S. Moorthi - added mpigathe8
+!    May 11 2017 W. Yang    - For WAM restart run.
+      use gfs_dyn_resol_def
+      use gfs_dyn_layout1
+      use gfs_dyn_coordinate_def	
+      use namelist_dynamics_def
+      use gfs_dyn_mpi_def
+      use nemsio_module
+      implicit none
+      character(*),intent(in) :: fname
+      integer,intent(in) :: ioproc
+      real(kind=kind_evod),intent(in) :: fhour
+      integer,intent(in) :: idate(4)
+      integer,intent(in)             :: ls_nodes(ls_dim,nodes)
+      integer,intent(in)             :: max_ls_nodes(nodes)
+      real(kind=kind_evod),intent(in) :: trie_ls(len_trie_ls,2,lotls)
+      real(kind=kind_evod),intent(in) :: trio_ls(len_trio_ls,2,lotls)
+      real(kind=kind_evod) si(levp1)
+!local variables:
+      integer              ierr,j,k,lenrec
+      integer i, jj, step
+      real(kind=kind_mpi_r),allocatable :: trieo_ls_node (:,:,:)
+      real(kind=kind_mpi_r),allocatable :: trieo_ls_nodes(:,:,:,:)
+      call mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_ALL,i,ierr)
+!-- allocate
+      allocate ( trieo_ls_node  ( len_trie_ls_max+len_trio_ls_max,
+     x                            2, lotls ) )
+      trieo_ls_node = 0.0
+      do k=1,lotls
+        do j=1,len_trie_ls
+          trieo_ls_node(j,1,k) = trie_ls(j,1,k)
+          trieo_ls_node(j,2,k) = trie_ls(j,2,k)
+        enddo
+        do j=1,len_trio_ls
+          jj = j+len_trie_ls_max
+          trieo_ls_node(jj,1,k) = trio_ls(j,1,k)
+          trieo_ls_node(jj,2,k) = trio_ls(j,2,k)
+        enddo
+      enddo
+!-- collect data to ioproc
+      if ( me .eq. ioproc ) then
+        write(0,*)'ALLOC PARMS TWRITE ',len_trie_ls_max+len_trio_ls_max,
+     &      2, lotls, nodes,1
+         allocate ( trieo_ls_nodes ( len_trie_ls_max+len_trio_ls_max,
+     &                               2, lotls, nodes ),
+     &              stat=ierr )
+       else
+         allocate (trieo_ls_nodes(1, 1, 1, 1), stat = ierr)
+      endif
+      if (ierr .ne. 0) then
+        write (0,*) ' GWX trieo_ls_nodes allocate failed'
+        call mpi_abort(mpi_comm_all,ierr,i)
+       endif
+      call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_ALL,ierr)
+      if(nodes >1 )then
+        lenrec = (len_trie_ls_max+len_trio_ls_max) * 2 * lotls
+        call mpi_gather(trieo_ls_node , lenrec, MPI_R_MPI_R,
+     &                  trieo_ls_nodes, lenrec, MPI_R_MPI_R,
+     &                  ioproc, MPI_COMM_ALL, ierr)
+        call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_ALL,ierr)
+      else
+       trieo_ls_nodes(:,:,:,1)=trieo_ls_node(:,:,:)
+      endif
+      deallocate ( trieo_ls_node  )
+!-- write out data
+      IF (me.eq.ioproc) THEN
+       OPEN(1050, FILE=fname,FORM='unformatted')
+       WRITE(1050) trieo_ls_nodes
+      endif   !me.eq.ioproc
+      deallocate ( trieo_ls_nodes )
+      call mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_ALL,ierr)
+      return
+      end
Index: checkout/dyn/makefile
--- checkout/dyn/makefile	(revision 90320)
+++ checkout/dyn/makefile	(revision 93160)
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@
 	treadg_nemsio.o         \
 	treads_nemsio.o         \
 	twrites_rst.o           \
+	twrites_rst_idea.o      \
 	twrites_hst.o           \
 	twriteg_rst.o           \
 	grid_to_spect_inp.o     \
Index: checkout/dyn/gfs_dynamics_initialize_mod.f
--- checkout/dyn/gfs_dynamics_initialize_mod.f	(revision 90320)
+++ checkout/dyn/gfs_dynamics_initialize_mod.f	(revision 93160)
@@ -499,6 +499,10 @@
       allocate ( gis_dyn%ls_node (ls_dim*3) )
       allocate ( gis_dyn%ls_nodes(ls_dim,nodes) )
       allocate ( gis_dyn%max_ls_nodes(nodes) )
+      gis_dyn%ls_node      = 0
+      gis_dyn%ls_nodes     = 0
+      gis_dyn%max_ls_nodes = 0
       allocate ( gis_dyn%lats_nodes_a_fix(nodes))     ! added for mGrid

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