[WAM-IPE] Latest Trunk: Bug Related to IAU

Adam Kubaryk - NOAA Affiliate adam.kubaryk at noaa.gov
Thu Jul 27 14:57:17 UTC 2017

Hi all,

Houjun noticed an issue with the latest trunk when running WAM with IAU.
After some digging, I've determined the issue lies in
NEMS/src/atmos/gsm/dyn/wrtout_dynamics.f. A typo, line 436:

call twrites_hst(filename,ioproc,fhour,jdate_iau,
should be
call twrites_hst(filename,ioproc,fhour_iau,jdate_iau,

The output forecast files were having their initialization date changed,
but not their forecast hour, and so the prep step was failing for the next
timestep when the expected date was off by six hours.

I've built a version with this change and Houjun and I have tested that it
cycles normally again. I would commit this change myself, but I'm not sure
I have subversion write access to WAM-IPE branches yet:

[Adam.Kubaryk at tfe03 dyn]$ svn commit wrtout_dynamics.f -m "fixed fhour_iau
Sending        wrtout_dynamics.f
svn: E195023: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E195023: Changing file '/scratch3/NCEPDEV/swpc/save/
Adam.Kubaryk/nems/iaufix/NEMS/src/atmos/gsm/dyn/wrtout_dynamics.f' is
forbidden by the server
svn: E175013: Access to '/projects/!svn/ver/94274/gsm/
branches/WAM-IPE/quasitrunk/dyn/wrtout_dynamics.f' forbidden

May just be doing it wrong, though.

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