[Ncep.list.wwatch3.discussion-group] Minutes of meeting

Arun Chawla - NOAA Federal arun.chawla at noaa.gov
Wed Mar 16 20:43:48 UTC 2016

WWIII Notes -- Wed Mar 136h 2016

Hello Everyone

Considerable progress has been made in model development and we have all
agreed on dates that I am going to highlight first

Beg April -- We start the first set of detailed regression testing (major
code updates have been provided so we can proceed on that)

Mid April -- We shall make an alpha release for our alpha testers to start
working with the wave model (I will once again circulate the latest list of
testers. If you have people you would like to add please let me know)

End April -- We shall stop accepting new code for the release (bug fixes
will be acceptable).

May -- Series of testing and general haruanging of people to finish their
manual pieces

Beg June -- WW3 v 5 releases

Everyone goes out for beer / soft drinks.

Listed below are the updates from the different groups

TSA -- Mar / Apr

BIO is more or less happy with their coding. They have been working off of
v 4.18 and have put all their code in W3SNLX. We will move it to the
appropriate routine and merge it with the trunk. Testing will be done with
ST4 at NCEP. Stefan may help in testing with ST6 at BOM. (Need confirmation
from that from Stefan).

Ice Scattering -- In Trunk

There are two bracnhes -- icesct which is right now primarily working on
dissipation and swarp which is working on the scattering. Both branches
have delivered the major bulk of the code. Some small fixes may keep
trickling in as the testing / fine tuning happens

Space Time Extremes -- Mar / Apr

Major work has already been done. Some issues with code slowing down will
be dealt with in a separate phone call. This may  require some extensive
overhauling of w3iogo and a call will be made whether to have that bit be
part of the next release or have it done later.

Namelist Format -- In trunk

IFREMER has delivered the version that uses namelists for ww34_multi. They
will work on ww3_grid, but no guarantee if that will be ready by our
deadline. In any case the most important was to get ww3_multi ready and
that is done

Implicit Scheme -- Postponed

There are some underlying questions that need to be addressed. A separate
meeting will be held to discuss this with the people working on the
implicit model development and coupling wave model with other systems as
there might be some parallels

ST5 -- ?

Still need update on delivery of this. Henrique travelling to Australia
will interact with the development team

ST6 -- ?

SWINBURNE is planning some updates to the ST6 system. Interactions between
ST6 group and Fabrice / Henrique on going on how to deliver this

Sea State Dependant Stress calculations -- Delivered

URI has delivered the code in their branch. We are doing some testing right
now. Some interactions will be held with Fabrice / Henrique to determine
where to put some of the output parameters that are currently being output
to the temporary user output fields. This code should be reintegrated into
the trunk in the next two weeks

Memory spiking -- To be explored

Memory spiking in the beginning continues to be a problem that we have to
address. This go dropped from the plate. We will see if we can address it.


Mickael had made a list of bugs (that I cannot find right now) that need to
be addressed. Once we find them we will open tickets for addressing bugs.

Thank you for all your efforts. Let me know if I missed anything. Keep in
mind that we are doing manual updates through a separate doc_edits branch.
But if you have already updated documentation in your branch then it is ok
we will incorporate it in syncs with the trunk. Please watch out for
meeting reminders. They should be coming in faster now.  Let me know if I
missed anything.

Arun Chawla
Waves Team Lead
Marine Modelling & Analysis Branch
Room 2101
National Center for Weather & Climate Prediction
5830 University Research Court
College Park, MD 20740
Ph: 301-683-3740
Fx: 301-683-3703
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