[Ncep.list.nems.announce] NEMS commit

Ratko Vasic ratko.vasic at noaa.gov
Fri Aug 30 19:24:31 UTC 2019

Hello NEMS developers,

there has been commit to the NEMS GitHub repository.

Changes included:

- Gerhard's change: To be compliant with NUOPC in ESMF 8.0 release, the 
official Verbosity strings "off", "low", "high", "max" need to be supported.
This change is expected to be fully transparent across NEMS 
applications. The benefit is that the Verbosity attribute on the 
Mediator can now be set to any of the official strings. Especially the 
"high" setting is useful in generating detailed but still readable 
output from the generic portions of NUOPC.

- Raffaele's change: This PR adds the standard name 
inst_spec_humid_conv_tendency_levels to the NUOPC Field Dictionary in 
NEMS. This standard name defines the instantaneous specific humidity 
tendency due to convection field, exported by FV3GFS to the coupled 
chemistry model.

- Ratko's port to Hera.


Ratko Vasic
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NCEP/EMC,  Room 2791
5830 University Research Court
College Park, MD  20740-3818

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