[Ncep.list.nems.announce] NEMS trunk commit

Dusan Jovic dusan.jovic at noaa.gov
Mon Sep 22 15:16:42 UTC 2014

Hi, Everyone,

  I reintegrated my branch containing the restructured regression test 
scripts with the trunk and I'm ready to commit it to the NEMS 
repository. Full regression test passed on zeus (no changes to baseline 
results). On wcoss it already passed full test on Saturday but I made 
one small change (while running a full test on Zeus) which I do not 
expect to change the outcome of the repeated test on wcoss which I'm 
going to do as soon as tide comes back online. If that wcoss test pass I 
would like to make a commit tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday morning.

My working copy on Zeus is 

Once I make the commit you will find new top-level directory named tests 
and the new script named rt.sh. The new procedure for running the 
regression test is as follows:

1) in order to run standard suite of regression tests you will need to 
execute rt.sh with '-s' option:

*./rt.sh -s*

2) to run full regression test run the option is '-f':

*./rt.sh -f
3) once you make a code change which changes the baseline results you 
will need to, as before, first generate new set of outputs and then 
rerun standard or full test using the newly created set of baseline 
results. that is done by running

*./rt.sh -c nmm
*./rt.sh -c gfs
first which will create new results for 'nmm' or 'gfs'. Then you rerun 
the tests using new result by running rt.sh with option '-m' in addition 
to '-s' or '-f':

*./rt.sh -m -f*

The option '-m' tells the script to use 'modified' results (created in 
the previous step) for comparisons.

I usually execute these two steps this way:

*nohup sh -c "( ./rt.sh -c nmm && ./rt.sh -m -f )" &*

which submits both steps in the background. If you run this in the 
evening by the next morning you will have new set of baseline results 
and,  hopefully, full suite of regression tests passed successfully.

The old job directory will be renamed to job_unused to indicate that it 
is not used anymore and after some time we will delete it. I would keep 
it at least until somebody adds all nuopc tests and few more missing gfs 
tests. Two nmm tests are also currently commented out (those that use 
gfs physics). I tried to run nuopc test on zeus but it failed, probably 
because the results were not updated recently.


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