[Ncep.list.nems.announce] NEMS/NMM-B commit Trac ticket #104

Tom Black tom.black at noaa.gov
Wed Jul 30 16:16:17 UTC 2014

I have made one significant change in the code I plan to commit for NEMS 
Trac ticket #104.  In my original message I said the forecast would be 
shut down if a run of the NMM-B was requesting only one compute task.  
Instead I've included the modifications so that global runs can now 
execute with a single compute task.  Regional runs can already execute 
successfully with one compute task.  Below is the latest list of file 
modifications in trunk_update at the same locations as given in the 
earlier message.  The default netCDF modules on each machine may be 
used.  I will initiate regtests on tide sometime tomorrow after the 
firewall work is complete.


M   src/atmos/nmm/module_NESTING.F90
M   src/atmos/nmm/module_DOMAIN_GRID_COMP.F90
M   src/atmos/nmm/module_FLTBNDS.F90    <--------- changes for single 
task global runs
M   src/conf/configure.nems.Zeus.intel
M   src/conf/configure.nems.Wcoss.intel_ESMF_630r_nmm
M   src/conf/configure.nems.Wcoss.intel
M   src/conf/configure.nems.Linux.intel
M   src/conf/modules.nems.Zeus_ESMF_310rAPI
M   src/conf/modules.nems.Zeus_ESMF_520rAPI
M   src/esmf_version
M   job/regression_tests/RT.sh_IN
M   job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_run.IN
M   job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_2way_run.IN

On 07/23/2014 02:22 PM, Tom Black wrote:
> Developers,
> I am ready to commit a set of changes for the NMM-B after Ratko's 
> commit.  Moving nests must read nest-resolution surface data from 
> external files after they shift.  The data spans the uppermost parent 
> and if that domain is large (e.g. global) then the external files are 
> very large and take a long time to read in their current binary form.  
> Replacing those binary files with netCDF files reduces the read times 
> to negligible after nests shift.  Answers are not changed.
> In addition an immediate shutdown of the forecast has been added if 
> only a single compute task is specified for any domain.
> The new code can be seen in:
> tide - /gpfs/td1/emc/meso/noscrub/Tom.Black/trunk_update
> zeus - /scratch2/portfolios/NCEPDEV/meso/noscrub/Tom.Black/trunk_update
> M    src/atmos/nmm/module_NMM_GRID_COMP.F90
> M    src/atmos/nmm/module_DOMAIN_GRID_COMP.F90
> M    src/atmos/nmm/module_NESTING.F90
> M    job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_run.IN
> M    job/regression_tests/nmm_conf/nmm_mnests_2way_run.IN
> M    src/conf/configure.nems.Zeus.intel
> M    src/conf/configure.nems.Wcoss.intel_ESMF_630r_nmm
> M    src/conf/configure.nems.Wcoss.intel
> M    src/esmf_version
> Tom

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