[Ncep.list.nems.announce] NEMS trunk commit

Tom Black tom.black at noaa.gov
Wed Apr 23 12:49:13 UTC 2014

After Xingren's commit I would like to commit a change to the NMM-B 
(NEMS Trac ticket #56).  The user will be able to specify which 
variables are desired as nest boundary variables simply by marking them 
in an external text file.  I will update following Wei-yu's trunk commit 
for ESMF 6.3.0r in the NMM-B and Xingren's.  My changes have no effect 
on the GSM or FIM and none on the NMM-B's integration for the current 
set of domain boundary variables.  However regression test history files 
will change very slightly due to a 1-line bug fix in subroutine BOCOH 
while regression test restart files will also change due a different 
order of the values in one of the BC-related arrays.

The new code is at:

wcoss: /gpfs/*d1/emc/meso/noscrub/Tom.Black/trunk_bc_vbls_update



A    src/atmos/nmm/module_DERIVED_TYPES.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_CONTROL.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_NMM_GRID_COMP.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_NMM_INTEGRATE.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_DOMAIN_GRID_COMP.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_DOMAIN_INTERNAL_STATE.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_SOLVER_GRID_COMP.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_SOLVER_INTERNAL_STATE.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_VARS_STATE.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_DYNAMICS_ROUTINES.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_FLTBNDS.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_PARENT_CHILD_CPL_COMP.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_NESTING.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_INIT_READ_BIN.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_INIT_READ_NEMSIO.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_WRITE_GRID_COMP.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_WRITE_ROUTINES.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_WRITE_INTERNAL_STATE.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/module_OUTPUT.F90
M    src/atmos/nmm/makefile
M    job/regression_tests/solver_state.txt
M    job/regression_tests/nests.txt

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