[Ncep.list.nems.announce] NEMS update

Jun Wang - NOAA Affiliate jun.wang at noaa.gov
Tue Jun 4 15:27:48 UTC 2013

Hi, all

I have some changes ready to commit to trunk.

1)Rashid's fix in gfs dynamics gfidi_hyb_gc_h.f, it uses layer pressure
rather than interface pressure to compute the terms in vertical advection
in thermodynamics equation.

2)FOR WAM, tmp is updated after radiation and idea physics, before gbphys
is called.

3)A scale parameter cleff in gravity wave drag (gwdps.f) is set to be same
as operational setting, this will change gfs results and NMMB with gfs
physics results.

4)Moorthi's bug fixes in writing out gfluxi,ice thickness, and snow depth
in flx file are merged to trunk.

5)path for stmp when generation new baseline is fixed in rt_gfs.sh.

In those changes, 1) and 4) are done in gsm branch,see gsm ticket:

Due to change 3) and 4), gfs regression test results are changed. And due
to change 3), NMMB run with gfs physics regression test results are
changed. New regression test results are generated on ccs, zeus and wcoss.
Full regression test passed on all three machines.

To view the code:

on ccs:
on tide:
on zeus:

Please let me know if you have any questions.


 M src/atmos/phys/idea_phys.f
M src/atmos/phys/gbphys.f
M src/atmos/phys/gwdps.f
M job/regression_tests/RegressionTests_zeus.log
M job/regression_tests/Compile_ccs.log
M job/regression_tests/RegressionTests_ccs.log
M job/regression_tests/Compile_zeus.log
M job/regression_tests/Compile_wcoss.log
M job/regression_tests/rt_gfs.sh
M job/regression_tests/RegressionTests_wcoss.log
 M src/atmos/gsm/phys/info.f
M src/atmos/gsm/phys/gfs_physics_grid_comp_mod.f
M src/atmos/gsm/phys/wrtout_physics.f
M src/atmos/gsm/module_GOCART_ROUTINES_stub.F90
M src/atmos/gsm/dyn/gfidi_hyb_gc_h.f
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