[Ncep.list.nems.announce] Trunk commit for NMM-B nests

Tom Black tom.black at noaa.gov
Wed Dec 4 13:38:14 UTC 2013

I would like to commit changes to the trunk code for Trac ticket #59.  
This involves only NMM-B nests.  The primary change is a bug fix for 
upscale exchange from child to parent in telescoping moving nests.  In 
addition extrapolation has also been modified for situations in which 
one domain receives columns of data from another where the sender's 
topography is higher than the receiver's. Additional variables are also 
turned on for shifting when nests move.  Regression test answers will 
change for those with nests.

The modified files are:

M            34397   src/atmos/nmm/module_NESTING.F90
M            34397   src/atmos/nmm/module_PARENT_CHILD_CPL_COMP.F90
M            34397   src/atmos/nmm/module_NMM_GRID_COMP.F90
M            34397   src/atmos/nmm/module_DOMAIN_GRID_COMP.F90
M            34397   job/regression_tests/nests.txt

The new code can be found at:

wcoss - /gpfs/gd1/emc/meso/noscrub/Tom.Black/trunk_update

zeus - /scratch2/portfolios/NCEPDEV/meso/noscrub/Tom.Black/trunk_update

I will plan to commit tomorrow if there are no issues.


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