[Ncep.list.emc.glopara-support] parallel run on vapor

sim.aberson sim.aberson at noaa.gov
Tue Dec 20 10:34:57 EST 2011

I am trying to perform a parallel run on vapor.  This is the first time 
I am using the current version of the model system, so some things have 
changed since I have done this last.  I have successfully gotten through 
a few steps, but my anal steps are bombing.  I get

    0:     PROGRAM GSI_ANL HAS BEGUN. COMPILED 1999232.55     ORG: NP23
    0:     STARTING DATE-TIME  DEC 19,2011  18:48:22.813  353  MON   2455915
  164:"gsimod.F90", line 638: 1525-001 The READ statement on the file 
(standard input) cannot be completed because the end of the file was 
reached.  The program will stop.
  165:"gsimod.F90", line 638: 1525-001 The READ statement on the file 
(standard input) cannot be completed because the end of the file was 
reached.  The program will stop.

But this doesn't exactly give me all the information I need to debug 
this.  Any help is appreciated.

My output appears in /gpfs/v/scratch/ptmp/mgd0sa/rotdatprx.  The 
particular dayfile with that error is nodrop2011062206gfsanal.dayfile in 
that directory, and the gdasanal step likewise failed.  My config file 
is at /gpfs/v/mtb/save/mgd0sa/para/prx.config.


Sim Aberson         AOML/Hurricane Research Division          Miami, FL
     "Hurricane states erect statues in my honor." -- David Sedaris

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