[Ncep.list.emc.glopara-support] Vapor downtime

Dave Santek dave.santek at ssec.wisc.edu
Tue Apr 19 23:17:43 EDT 2011

Thanks, Diane. Since I'm not exactly sure what to change the EDATE to, 
I'm going to try using llhold to suspend the jobs....


On 4/19/2011 7:45 PM, Diane Stokes wrote:
> Dave.
> You could temporarily modify your configuration files, tweaking the 
> EDATE (and ESTEP if that helps) to cause your experiments to stop at 
> some safe point.  Then when vapor is returned to service, reset those 
> values back to the desired ending points and submit the next jobs in 
> the sequence.
> That's a simplified explanation.  Which job or jobs you need to then 
> submit manually depends on where your experiment stops, which gfs 
> cycles you are running, etc.
>    Diane
> On 4/19/2011 10:43 AM, Dave Santek wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a couple of experiments running and I'm not sure what needs to be
>> down to ensure they stop and restart when vapor goes down on Wednesday.
>> I've looked on this page:
>> http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/GFS/exp.php
>> and, didn't see any info about stopping/restarting.
>> Any advice?
>> Thanks,
>> Dave

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