[meg.infolist.announce] 4-30 MEG

Geoffrey Manikin - NOAA Federal geoffrey.manikin at noaa.gov
Wed Apr 29 19:53:58 UTC 2020

*We will once again be using google hangouts.*
*   - Non NOAA and non-gmail accounts are able to access hangouts, but your
attempt to join will generate an on-the-fly request that the MEG will have
to approve, so please join early to minimize the disruption*
*   - **Please ensure that you are muted on Google Hangouts (your
microphone icon will appear red) after joining the meeting.* *Also, i**f
you opt to use your phone's audio instead of your computer's audio to
listen to the meeting, please turn off your computer speakers to avoid
feedback into your phone's microphone.*

The next Model Evaluation Group meeting will be held on Thursday, April 30
at 11:30 AM EDT.  We will record the meeting; all recordings and
presentations can be found  in

         This is the wrap-up of the GEFSv12 Evaluation
* Henrique Alves *with* Deanna *and* Todd Spindler *and* Partha
Bhattacharjee* will present an overview of the waves and aerosols
components of GEFSv12
 *Shannon Shields *and* Alicia Bentley *will present overviews of all field

Join with Google Meet <https://meet.google.com/nqw-gymz-nug?hs=122>

Meeting ID
meet.google.com/nqw-gymz-nug <https://meet.google.com/nqw-gymz-nug?hs=122>
Phone Numbers
(‪US‬) ‪+1 617-675-4444‬ <%E2%80%AA+1%20617-675-4444%E2%80%AC>
PIN: ‪879 421 041 7910#‬
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